Padang DX Contest 2019

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Padang DX Contest, December 21 th 2019

To Commemorate Vector Aliendry – YB5BOY (SK)

The 2015 Padang Contest was the starting point for The New Era of radio amateur contest in Indonesia.

In this contest, for the first time the use of electronic logsheets in the cabrillo file format, although at that time still received paper logsheets, the manual logsheets were converted by the committee into a cabrillo file, so cross-checking between all participants’ logsheets in the form of cabrillo files.

Also in the Padang Contest 2015, for the first time the use of logsheet checking software to cross-check among participant logs, and for the first time also the results of cross-checking between logsheets were published in a UBN file so that participants could see the number of points, multipliers, errors and scores he got.

At the 2015 Padang Contest the prize was no longer in amount of money but a plaque, this year the use of the website for contest activities also began, all information about the contest (rules, plaque, etc.) as well as interactions between contest participants and the committee, and announcement of the results of the contest and downloading the certificate which is also for the first time the use of the certificate in digital PDF format, all carried out on this website.

The Padang Contest almost failed in 2014, at which time the method of implementation was still using the old method. But with enthusiasm and concern for radio amateurs, Vector Aliendry – YB5BOY (SK), since 2015 managed to carry out the Padang Contest and even became the Padang DX Contest, the last being participated by 17 countries in the world.

Thank you for those of you who participated in the Padang DX Contest